BAUart Website Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: 01 September 2019



We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove parts of these Terms at any time. Please check these Terms periodically for changes.


All copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website are owned by the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki or is reproduced under licence from other organisations. Unless otherwise stated, all the pages of the website, in particular texts, images, graphics, audio, video and animation data files, are subject to copyright by the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki. Any reproduction, publication or other use of such pages, or of any parts of such pages, whether in electronic or printed form, including on the internet or for commercial purposes, is only permitted with the express prior consent of the publishers.

Products and services

All rights in the products and services mentioned in this website remain the property of the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki.

Restrictions on use

You must not use this website to promote, publish or disseminate anything that is, or may be, prohibited by law, obscene, offensive, indecent, threatening, harassing, defamatory or otherwise unlawful. You must not post anything that infringes our intellectual property rights or those of any third party or that constitutes confidential information belonging to anyone other than yourself. You must not use any device, software file or mechanism that may interfere with the proper operation of this website or our system or that contains a link to another website.

Accuracy of information

Whilst the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki takes care to ensure that the information it provides on this website is correct we cannot guarantee that the information will be accurate, complete or up-to-date. We give no warranty, either express or implied, as to accuracy, fitness for purpose or quality of the information contained in this website. If you see anything on this website that you believe is untrue, incorrect or out of date, please contact us.

Data protection

We process personal data in accordance with current data protection legislation and our Privacy policy. Please click here to view our current Privacy Policy.

No warranty

We give no warranties whether express or implied as to completeness, accuracy, fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality or infringement of intellectual property rights referred to in the information contained in this website is given by the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki or by any other organisation whose details or information appear to be here.


The BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki shall not be liable for any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) and/or damage arising out of your use of, or inability to use, this website or from any error or omission in the information on the website. Nothing in these terms excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

Law and jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed by Greek and European law and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Greek courts.

Material on this site is protected by copyright. The copyright owner is the BAUart | Elena & Katerina Doulgeraki. You may not make alterations or additions to the material on this site or sell it or misappropriate it. Material may be downloaded or copied for personal use. However, appropriate acknowledgment of the copyright owner is required if material is re-published in any format. For more details on the use of this website, please click onto our Terms of Use document.


Last Updated: 01 September 2019

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